How to Report Abuse and Neglect
What to expect when you make a report
The Department of Children's Services will ask you a series of questions when you make a report. It is okay if you do not know all the answers, just tell them as much as you know. It is their job to work with local law enforcement to conduct a thorough investigation.
More information about the process is available on the DCS website.
Tennessee law requires that all persons must report suspected cases of abuse or neglect.
If a child is in immediate danger, call 911. To report abuse and neglect, contact the Tennessee Department of Children's Services at 1-877-54-ABUSE (1-877-542-2873).
How to respond if a child tells you they have been abused:
Remain calm
Believe the child
Allow the child to talk
Show interest and concern
Reassure and support the child
Take action. It could save a child's life.
Panic or overreact
Press the child to talk
Promise anything you can't control
Confront the offender
Blame or minimize the child's feelings
Overwhelm the child with questions
To Report Abuse Call: 1-877-54-ABUSE (1-877-542-2873)