Celebrating the Power of Parenting

Parents are their child’s first teachers, mentors, and role models. Parents provide them with love, support, and guidance, creating a healthy foundation for their growth and development.

However, being a parent is not easy, and it can often be overwhelming and challenging. It requires patience, resilience, and a willingness to learn and adapt. In addition, many parents face numerous challenges, such as financial difficulties, work-life balance, and health issues, which can impact their ability to provide the best possible care for their children.

In recognition of the significant contributions of parents and caregivers, February is celebrated as Parent Leadership Month. Throughout the month, people are encouraged to celebrate and acknowledge the incredible contributions of parents, grandparents, foster parents, and other caregivers who lead their families with love, dedication, and strength. This month is an opportunity to celebrate the vital role of parent leadership in our communities and to raise awareness of the importance of supporting families to provide their children with the best possible start in life.

As we end Parent Leadership Month, Nurture the Next wants to celebrate and recognize the Unsung Heroes in our communities. These parents or caregivers demonstrate exceptional leadership and dedication to children’s education, health, and overall well-being.

After many nominations, Nurture the Next is proud to recognize the following individuals as this year’s Unsung Heroes.

  • East Tennessee: Tara Bray

  • Middle Tennessee: Brady and Chelsie Lutton

  • West Tennessee: Kimberly Buggs

These Unsung Heroes went above and beyond for the children in their lives. These experiences imbued them with important perspectives, so we asked them to share some of those keen insights with us. Here is what they said:

Tara Bray: “Teach your children no matter what has happened, they can come to you. No matter how many mistakes they make, you will always be there for them because they matter that much to you.”

Brady and Chelsie Lutton: “They did not ask for this or to be put through the trauma they have, but it is our responsibility to ensure they are protected and taken care of.”

Kimberly Buggs: “Always provide attention, support and love to each and every child in your life. Those are the memories they will cherish the most. Knowing you were there when people closer to them didn’t show up.”

While Parent Leadership Month celebrates and honors the vital role that parents and caregivers play in their children’s lives, it’s essential to recognize that not all parents fit into traditional molds. Families come in many different shapes and sizes, and it’s crucial to celebrate and support all parents.

Empowering and supporting parents can create a supportive and nurturing environment for our children. By working together, we can build the brighter future all children deserve. 


Maternal Health is Communal Health.


Parents, You Are Extraordinary.